
Flask-LazyViews registers URL routes for Flask application or blueprint in lazy way. Ships with additional support of registering admin views, error handlers, custom static files and rendering Jinja2 templates.

  • Based on original snippet from Flask documentation
  • Works on Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.3+
  • BSD licensed
  • Latest documentation on Read the Docs
  • Source, issues and pull requests on GitHub


Use pip to install Flask-LazyViews to your system or virtual environment:

$ pip install Flask-LazyViews

Otherwise you could download source dist from GitHub or PyPI and put flask_lazyviews directory somewhere to $PYTHONPATH, but this way is not recommended. Use pip for all good things.


The main purpose of registering lazy views instead of standard approach of adding routes by decorating view functions with flask.Flask.route() decorator is avoiding “Circular Import” errors while organizing code in big Flask project.

For example, when you have project with structure a like:

+ app.py
+ models.py
+ settings.py
+ views.py

and want to use @app.route decorator you obviously need to import app instance in views module, but to be sure that these view functions registered as URL routes for your app you need make back import in app module. So you actually should make inner import if using application factories or just import views after global app instance already initialized and maybe configured. This looks not very Pythonic.

In case of using lazy views you don’t need import your views module when you instantiate your application, all you need to import LazyViews instance, init it and add URL routes where view function is a string with valid Python path. And yes adding view support all other route arguments as endpoint, methods, etc.

And yes, Flask-LazyViews supports flask.Blueprint instances and have extra features as registering error handlers, adding admin views, additional static routes and rendering Jinja2 templates without actual view function. Neat!


To get started all you need to instaniate LazyViews object after configuring application:

from flask import Flask
from flask_lazyviews import LazyViews

app = Flask(__name__)
views = LazyViews(app)

Or blueprint:

from flask import Blueprint

blueprint = Blueprint('name', __name__)
views = LazyViews(blueprint)

You can also pass the Flask application or blueprint object later, by calling init_app() or init_blueprint() respectfully:

views = LazyViews()

def create_app(name=None, **options):
    app = Flask(name or __name__)
    views.init_app(app, 'path.to.views')  # Full path to views module
    return app


def create_blueprint(name, **options):
    blueprint = Blueprint(name, __name__, **options)
    views.init_blueprint(blueprint, '.views')  # Rel path to views module
    return blueprint

Now you ready to go and start using Flask-LazyViews extension.

Adding URL routes

Main feature of Flask-LazyViews extension is adding lazy views (touche) to your Flask application or blueprint.

In most cases lazy view is just a string with full Python path to view function, like app.views.view, where:

  • app is name of Python package with your Flask application/blueprint
  • views is name of views module
  • view is name of view function

In other adding lazy views are equal to registering routes with flask.Flask.route() method and it supports all its keyword arguments as methods, endpoint, etc.

To add lazy view to your application you need to call add() method:

views.add('/', 'app.views.index')
views.add('/comment/add', 'app.views.add_comment', methods=('GET', 'POST'))
views.add('/page/<int:page_id>', 'app.views.page')

To simplify things and avoid repeating base path to your views, like app.views above, you could use import_prefix while initializing LazyViews:

views = LazyViews(app, 'app.views')

After you don’t need to repeat this prefix and could add views as:

views.add('/', 'index')
views.add('/comment/add', 'add_comment', methods=('GET', 'POST'))
views.add('/page/<int:page_id>', 'page')

Registering error handlers

Flask application and blueprint has ability to register error handlers to customize processing HTTP errors. In most cases this handlers are view functions which take error as first argument, so Flask-LazyViews allows you to add this error handlers with add_error() method:

views.add_error(404, 'views.not_found')
views.add_error(500, 'views.server_error')
views.add_error(AssertionError, 'views.server_error')

Registering app error handler for Blueprint

New in version 0.6.

In addition to registering error handlers for “own” URLs Flask blueprint has ability to register custom error handler for application. To do this in Flask-LazyViews, you need to pass app=True to add_error() method:

views.add_error(401, 'views.not_authorized', app=True)
views.add_error(ValueError, 'views.value_error', app=True)

Adding admin views

New in version 0.4.

Flask-Admin is one of the most popular choices for making CRUD admin panel for Flask application. Flask-LazyViews has support adding admin views in lazy way as done for plain routes. To do this you need to call add_admin() method:

                name='Custom Admin Page')


Keyword arguments passed to add_admin() method would be transfer to instantiate admin view.


Adding admin views only works for Flask application and when flask.ext.admin.base.Admin extension already initialized before calling add_admin() method.

Additional static routes

Changed in version 0.6.

Sometimes you need to create additional static route, for example to serve favicon.ico in root of your app. To do this you need to call add_static() method:

views.add_static('/favicon.ico', 'icons/favicon.ico', endpoint='favicon')

You also should pass filename to static handler in defaults dict (default approach prior to 0.6 version):

                 defaults={'filename': 'icons/favicon.ico'},

Rendering Jinja2 templates without view functions

New in version 0.6.

Sometimes rendering template don’t require any additional logic in view function, but you still need to define it. To avoid this you could render those templates directly with add_template() method:

views.add_template('/', 'index.html', endpoint='index')

You also can pass context to your templates, context could be a plain dict:

                   context={'DUMMY_CONSTANT': True},

Or any callable which returns dict:

from flask import g

def settings_context():
    return {'settings': get_user_settings(g.user)}



Flask-LazyViews ships with simple test application which shows basic principles for using extension.

In case you want to run this application in your local environment you need to bootstrap virtual environment for it and run server as:

$ cd /path/to/Flask-LazyViews
$ make -C testapp/ bootstrap
$ make -C testapp/ server

When done, point your browser to to see results.


To bootstrap project bootstrapper should be installed to your system as well as GNU Make.


class flask_lazyviews.LazyViews(instance=None, import_prefix=None)

Main instance for adding lazy views to Flask application or blueprint.

__init__(instance=None, import_prefix=None)

Initialize LazyViews instance.

Basically it requires app or blueprint instance as first argument, but you could leave it empty and initialize it later with manually call init_app() method. It could be helpful, if you want to configure LazyViews instance somewhere outside your app.py or for multiple applications.

add(url_rule, mixed, **options)

Add URL rule to Flask application or blueprint.

mixed could be a real callable function, or a string Python path to callable view function. If mixed is a string, it would be wrapped into LazyView instance.

add_admin(mixed, *args, **kwargs)

Add admin view if Flask-Admin extension added to application.


This method only works for Flask applications, not blueprints.

add_error(code_or_exception, mixed, app=False)

Add error handler to Flask application or blueprint.

When passing app=True tries to register global app error handler for blueprint.

add_static(url_rule, filename=None, **options)

Add URL rule for serving static files to Flask app or blueprint.

add_template(url_rule, template_name, **options)

Render template name with context for given URL rule.

Context should be a plain dict or callable. If callable its result would be passed to flask.render_template() function.


Prepend import prefix to import name if it earlier defined by user.


If mixed value is callable it’s our view, else wrap it with flask_lazyviews.utils.LazyView instance.

init_app(app, import_prefix=None)

Configure LazyViews instance, store app or blueprint instance and import prefix if any.

init_blueprint(blueprint, import_prefix=None)

Alias for init app function, cause basically there are no important differences between Flask app and blueprint if we only need to add URL rule.

class flask_lazyviews.utils.LazyView(name, *args, **kwargs)

Import view function only when necessary.

__call__(*args, **kwargs)

Make real call to the view.


Check that two lazy view instances have equal import names.


Proxify documentation attribute from original view if it could be imported.

__init__(name, *args, **kwargs)

Initialize LazyView instance for view that would be imported from name path.


Check that two lazy view instances have not equal import names.


Show custom repr message if view function exists.


Import view from string and cache it to current class instance.


0.6 (Aug 14, 2014)

  • Render Jinja2 templates for given URL rule via add_template() method.
  • Register global app error handler from Blueprint by passing app=True to add_error() method.
  • Keep import_prefix in LazyViews instance.
  • Easify registering additional static routes by auto-adding filename to defaults dict.
  • Fixes #4. Fix registering multiple routes to same lazy view.
  • Move documentation from README to Read the Docs

0.5.1 (Jan 31, 2014)

  • Fixes #3. Make LazyView proxy class lazy again. Fix circullar imports and working outside application context.

0.5 (Dec 27, 2013)

  • Python 3 support (only for Flask 0.10+).
  • Flask 0.10+ support.
  • Fixes #2. Access view function documentation and repr while loading views via strings.

0.4 (Oct 28, 2012)

  • Add support of adding admin views to Flask applications via add_admin() method.
  • Configure Travis CI support.

0.3 (Oct 4, 2012)

  • Implement add_error() shortcut method for adding custom error handling for Flask application or blueprint.

0.2 (Sep 17, 2012)

  • Implement init_app() and init_blueprint() methods for configuring LazyViews instance outside main application module or for multiple applications.
  • Add add_static() shortcut method for adding custom URL rules for serving static files.
  • Add ability to register real view functions with LazyViews instance.

0.1 (Apr 3, 2012)

  • Initial release.
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